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AI Client libraries and their eccentricities

·1872 words·9 mins
AI productionization - This article is part of a series.
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As discussed earlier in this series, there are several factors that affect how client libraries communicate with your AI Model service.

In this article, I’ll be demonstrating using some of the popular client libraries to connect to models served in 3 different ways, to demonstrate the usability and flexibility of these client libraries. For this comparison, I’ll be using python since it is the most common choice in LLM user communities.

This is by no means a complete accounting of client libraries, but a quick overview to get you started on the right path.

TL;DR: I suggest Langchain for maximum flexibility. OpenAI client is a great choice (though less great if you’re hosting the model on Vertex AI as configuration and debugging are difficult.)


The library evaluation will focus on the following criteria.

API usability
a subjective measure of the libraries usablility. Does it provide a good API
surface? Does it produce useful errors when things go wrong? etc.
Model Flexibility
Can the library be used to access Models using both the Chat and Completions
API? Does it work for Instruction-tuned models? How much change is needed
to use a different model?

Model services

To evaluate flexibilty, we’ll be using 3 different model services:

Gemini 1.5 Flash
Google’s hosted offering.
Gemma 2 on Vertex AI
Google’s Gemma is an Open Model, which can be deployed to their Vertex AI
platform through the AI Model Garden. This service is deployed on GPUs, and
served with Huggingface’s TGI.
Gemma 2 on GKE
Gemma models can also be hosted on Kubernetes. This service is also deployed
on GPUs, with TGI.


Each of the code snippets below has been validated to work at the time of this writing - but AI is a rapidly evolving space, so some changes may be necessary.

OpenAI Client

OpenAI’s Client libraries are probably the first thought of anyone who’s already working with AI client libraries. They are something of the industry default, since OpenAI’s APIs are widely copied in other AI model serving tools like vLLM and TGI.

For long-running processes, it is necessary to refresh the google credentials that the OpenAI client uses - it is not done automatically. Use this sample on credential refreshing to implement this ability.

OpenAI and Gemini

import google.auth
import google.auth.transport
import google.auth.transport.requests
from openai import OpenAI
import vertexai

creds, project = google.auth.default(scopes=[""])
auth_req = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()

vertexai.init(project=project, location=LOCATION)
client = OpenAI(
    base_url = f'https://{LOCATION}{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION}/endpoints/openapi',
    api_key = creds.token)

r =
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "tell me a frog fact"}],

OpenAI and Vertex AI

I was not able to get this working with either OpenAI or cURL with Google’s OpenAI Client documentation

I consistenly received 400 errors, with either ‘PRECONDITION_FAILED’ or ‘INVALID_REQUEST’. no other information was available.

    import google.auth
    import google.auth.transport
    import google.auth.transport.requests
    from openai import OpenAI
    import vertexai
    from import ChatCompletion

    creds, project = google.auth.default()
    auth_req = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()

    vertexai.init(project=project, location=LOCATION)

    client = OpenAI(
        base_url = f'https://{LOCATION}{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION}/endpoints/{ENDPOINT}/',
        api_key = creds.token)

    r =
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "tell me a frog fact"}],

OpenAI and GKE

This looks a lot like the Gemini sample, but notably simpler because we are not doing any authentication and have a simpler base URL.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    base_url = 'http://localhost:8080/v1',
    api_key = "unused")

r =
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "tell me a frog fact"}],


  • Usability: 🟠

    The OpenAI client is flexible, and can be used to talk to any OpenAI-compatible model server (which is nearly all of them!).

    However, using this library with Google’s offerings does not seem like a top priority for either party - there are clearly some sharp edges.

  • Flexibility: 🔴

    This is another case where I want to grade the library and the service separately. The client is basically just a well-wrapped HTTP client, and is adequately flexible. (especially when enabling debug logs, httpx provides solid debugging info.)

    Google’s Vertex AI service provides terse, generic errors with insufficient information to understand what the problem is. I found that there were often no server-side log messages to aid my debugging either. 😢

  • Overall: 🔴

    I was hoping for better compatability in Google’s services, given the popularity of the OpenAI APIs in all major model serving tools. The layer of Vertex AI appears to be creating more problems than it is solving here.

Vertex AI

The Vertex AI client library is the Google-published SDK for communicating with Google’s hosted Gemini models, and user-deployed models that are hosted on the Vertex AI platform.

As discussed in this prior article about Gemini, Vertex AI client libraries actually have 2 different pieces - I’ll be referring to them this way:

  • aiplatform: the python package. This auto-generated library uses a resource-based approach to call the underlying API.
  • vertexai: the vertexai python package, which is a handwritten SDK built on top of the aiplatform package, providing an improved developer experience but lacking some features.

Vertex and Gemini

This is the flagship case for this library, and the one that vertexai was created for. The code is quite straightforward and requires minimal configuration.

from vertexai.generative_models import GenerativeModel
llm = GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
r = llm.generate_content("tell me a fact about frogs")

Vertex and Vertex (Vertex Squared)

Here’s where things get awkward - the GenerativeModel classes that work with Gemini do not work for user-deployed models in Vertex AI. For these, we’ll need to use the aiplatform library.

# use `gcloud ai endpoints list --region us-central1` to see endpoint ids

import as aipb
client = aipb.PredictionServiceClient(client_options={
      'api_endpoint': location + "" })

endpoint = str.format("projects/{project}/locations/{location}/endpoints/{endpoint}",

r = client.predict(
      instances=[{'inputs': prompt}])


Certainly not as tidy as the Gemini version, but not too bad once you understand the use of Endpoint resources, and the PredictionClient.

The instances parameter is a bit tricky here, and varies based on how your model was deployed. The instances key ('inputs' above) must be set differently for models served by Huggingface’s TGI vs OpenAI-compatible model serving like vLLM. TGI uses ‘inputs’, but OpenAI-compatible servers will use ‘prompt’.

This choice is poorly exposed in the Model Garden, so you’ll likely need to inspect the Model (NOT the Endpoint, but the model behind it) using gcloud ai models describe $DEPLOYED_MODEL_NAME --region $REGION. The imageUri field in the output is the serving container your model is using.

Vertex and GKE

The Vertex AI client libraries are only useful for talking to Models hosted by Google’s Vertex AI service, so they’re not usable for models hosted in your own Kubernetes cluster. :sad:


  • Usability: 🟠

    vertexai deserves a 🟢, but the need to also understand aiplatform API surface downgrades this to orange.

  • Flexibility: 🔴

    Two different APIs for talking to google-hosted vs user-hosted models is awkward and would require a full rewrite to switch, or building one’s own abstraction layer.

  • Overall: 🔴

    These APIs appear to prioritize google’s own models, with little consideration for user-hosted use cases. If the vertexai experience worked for user-hosted models, this would be much better.


Langchain is a framework that lets the same client API be used to talk to multiple AI models on a collection of platforms. The goal of langchain is to allow for a similar developer experience across all leading AI models and platforms.

Finding the correct model class object can be a bit tricky, but once you have that, the usage of those objects is consistent across the framework (as you’ll see below).

Langchain and Gemini

from langchain_google_vertexai import ChatVertexAI
llm = ChatVertexAI(model_name="gemini-1.5-flash")
r = llm.invoke("tell me a frog fact")

The above is an example of basic Gemini usage, and is a good place to start. More flexiblility can be achieved using Prompt templates and chains:

from langchain_google_vertexai import ChatVertexAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage
llm = ChatVertexAI(model_name="gemini-1.5-flash")
pt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ("system", "you are a helpful assistant who likes amphibians"),
    ("human", "{input}")
chain = pt | llm
r = chain.invoke("tell me a frog fact")

This example shows the use of Chat Prompt Templates to add some system-level instruction for how the model should behave. The argument passed to invoke() is inserted in the Prompt Template placeholder {input} since there is only one. When using multiple placeholders, invoke() requires a mapping.

Prompt templates can also be used to reformat input for Instruction-tuned models like Gemma.

The use of chains and prompt templates applies to all langchain examples, though for brevity I will only demonstrate it here.

Langchain and Vertex AI

llm = VertexAIModelGarden(project=projectid,
                          location = location,
r = llm.invoke(prompt)

As with other Endpoint usage, the endpointid above is the integer identifier of the endpoint (not the name). IDs can be seen with the gcloud ai endpoints list command.

Chat Prompt template usage is indentical to the previous example.

Langchain and GKE

The most challenging part of this was finding the proper LLM class to use for a “generic” LLM endpoint. Since I’m using TGI to serve my model, and I know that TGI is OpenAI-compatible, I used the OpenAI module with a custom base URL.

This example uses a localhost URL because I was using kubernetes port forwarding to access the service. Production use cases should use a different approach (like cluster-level DNS).

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage

llm = ChatOpenAI(
    openai_api_key="unused", # this key is required.
r = llm.invoke("tell me a frog fact")


  • Usability: 🟠

    The advanced langchain concepts (e.g. Prompt Templates, chains) take some significant learning to understand. The errors from prompts and chains can be difficult to debug - things like “expected str”, but the stacktrace is deep in the langchain code, and its not clear how the user would fix it.

  • Flexibility: 🟢

    Langchain delivers on the goal to keep the query experience pretty uniform across models and providers. There are still some bumps in the road around the exact shape of arguments to invoke(), especially with instruction-tuned models, but those are industry-wide issues, not specific to langchain.

  • Overall: 🟠

    The cryptic error stacktraces are the biggest contributor to an orange rating here. The cognitive load of learning about prompt templates and output chains are also a factor, though relatively minor.


As I went through these evaluations, I tried to separate commentary on the model hosting platform from the client library. Both aspects have an effect on the developer experience, and evaluating them separately was not always possible.

At this point, I would choose Langchain over other client libraries, as it provides the most insulation from the rapid change in the underlying technologies. The next time there is a major shift in AI technology, I would expect a fairly simple transition as a langchain user - other client libraries will likely have more work to do.

If I was planning to use providers that were comitted to OpenAI-compatability, the OpenAI client library would be a solid choice. Google’s compatability here is OK, but the debugging experience is pretty opaque.

I hope this helps you pick the right client library for your AI-calling needs!

AI productionization - This article is part of a series.
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