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AI Model APIs

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AI Productionization - This article is part of a series.
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As noted in the previous post about AI Model Serving layers, your serving layer determines which APIs are presented, and which client libraries you can use.

In this article, I’ll cover the most common AI APIs and where you are likely to encounter them.

Common APIs

These APIs are in widespread use for AI model serving. Most AI Model serving layers will support both of these APIs. Chat-style completions are increasingly popular, so if you are working with newer models, you should start there.

OpenAI Chat Completions API

API Reference

This is the most common API, and is used by most recent models at the time of this writing.

This API uses a series of messages to model a chat. There are 3 common roles in the chat interface.

  • user: represents the messages sent by the human interacting with the AI
  • ai: unsurprisingly, this role represents the AI’s response
  • system: context and messages designed to steer the AI toward a particular type of response. These are intended for use as grounding and context for the later chat messages.

As an example, consider the following set of messages:

"messages": [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful assistant who likes frogs."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "tell me a fact about frogs"

This API neatly maps to the way AI is often used in a chat bot, and allows for multi-turn prompting and user followup.

OpenAI Completions (Legacy) API

API Reference

This was OpenAI’s initial API, focused on taking a plain text prompt, and returning a set of possible responses.

This is considered Legacy by OpenAI, though many models may still provide this API. This API is good for one-shot prompts, but may be unwieldy for longer prompts or multi-turn prompting.

HuggingFace’s Text Generation Inference (TGI) API is not fully compatible with Completions. Clients may require minor code adjustment when switching between these two interfaces.

The request body key for user input with TGI is inputs, while OpenAI’s interface uses prompt.

Related Complications#

In addition to the APIs described above, there are a few additional factors to consider when deciding how to communicate with your model.

Gemma: Instruction Tuning


Google’s Gemma models use a prompting syntax called ‘instruction tuning’, which uses angle-bracketed tags to denote the start and end of the “turn”. This is a method to indicate when the user is done and the model should respond. Visually, it has a similar look to the Chat interface describe above.

This style of prompt looks like this:

tell me facts about turtles.<end_of_turn>

So far, i’ve only seen this used in Google’s Gemma and Gemma2 models, usually with the explicit “-it” suffix when found on Huggingface

Instruction Tuning is an expectation of the underling model, which still requires a Serving API. Instruction tuning is usually hosted behind a Completions API surface, where a single large prompt is expected.

Google Vertex AI

Vertex AI can be used to host your own models, and provides an API that is consistent with the general “feel” of Google’s other APIs.

A Vertex AI-hosted model still requires its own Model Serving Layer, so you can think of the Vertex AI API as an envelope, encapsulating requests for the underlying Model Serving API.

In fact, if you look closely at Vertex AI model objects, you can see the details of how they are passing requests to the Model Serving container underneath:

gcloud ai models list --region us-central1 --format json

The above command will show the containerSpec that describes how to run your chosen Model Serving Layer, as well as the url paths on that container to use for health checks (healthRoute) and content generation (predictRoute).

Recap and Next Steps

The Chat and Completion APIs are used by the majority of AI model serving tools. Understanding these APIs will help you choose the right client for talking to your model.

I’ll discuss some available clients and their configuration in the next installment of this series.

AI Productionization - This article is part of a series.
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